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Activity Report
Activity Report

Activity report allow you view or download shift activity within your account for a given time period.

Ian Deshays avatar
Written by Ian Deshays
Updated over a week ago


Activity report provide information about services booked (or cancelled) over a given time period. If you book services in advance, you can use report can to forecast demand or staff allocation.

To Access the Report

To access Activity Report, go to Reports on the Left-Hand Menu, select Activity in the drop-down. Pick either you want to pull Staff or Clients' Activity Report, by ticking the appropriate option. Choose either you want to pull their numbers of Hours, Miles, or Allowances. Use the 'Filter by' drop-down if you like to filter report per Area, then Select Date Range.

Note!  If you choose not to select a particular Area/Program in the 'Filter by' drop-down, the Report will pull Activites/Services across your entire account.

About the Report

Area Graph

In the Area Graph, it tracks the number of Booked, Pending, and Cancelled Hours per day. Booked Hours showing as Green, Red for Pending and Yellow- Cancelled Hours.

Y-axis represents the number of Hours, the X-axis are dates that you have chosen in date period above. You can also view exact hours for each data point on the graph. Hover your mouse over the dots (e.g pending line) you'll see the date and the specific number of booked hours for a particular date.

Pie Chart

'Pie slices' in the Pie Chart, show statistical data (in %) relative to the number of Booked and Pending Hours. It shows their corresponding amount in percentage from the whole total. The biggest part (shown in Green) are the Booked hours, the least are the number of hours in Pending (shown in red).

Tabular Data

Below the Graph, you'll also see the tabular breakdown of each shift that makes up data in graph above. This can be useful if you want access to actual data instead of graphical representation. You'll see each of their number of Booked, Pending, Cancelled, and the Total Hours for selected Program Period.

Report Filters

You have various filter options you can use when pulling your Report:

  • You can get Activity Report for Staff/Clients either thru their number of Hours, Mileage, or Expenses. Select from the drop-down which one you'd prefer and click on it.

  • You can filter down Report per Area. Choose the Area you'd like to focus on checking for the activities of Staff/Client.

  • Select the Date Range. Click on the Starting Date (left calendar) and the End date of the Period you'd like to check, and then hit Apply.

Export Activity Report

You can choose to download a summary of the report or a raw file of the report. The raw file is a more detailed form of the summary report provided as an Excel spreadsheet. If you wish to download the raw report, just click on the download icon on the bottom left-hand of the page. This will brig up a drop-down menu with the options 'Summary' and 'Raw' . Select Raw.

Once the file is ready to download you will receive a flag notification.

Clicking on the notification will direct you to the staff communications page. Here you'll see a blue 'download file' link. Click on this link to download the report.

Once the file is downloaded it will appear on the bottom left of your screen.

Open the file. This will redirect you to an Excel spreadsheet where all the raw data is presented, this file you can save.

To export the Summary report follow the same procedure as outlined above for the Raw report download. The summary export provides a quick overview of the entire report, whereas the raw export provides a more detailed report.

To print the report, click on the print icon

You'll then get to the Print screen page where you can choose number of copies, pages, set up margins, etc. Click on the Print button then once ready.

Depending on your laptop make, you may need to save the document first before being able to print. If this is the case, simply save the file onto your desktop, open it once saved and print as you would any other file from your desktop.

Download as PDF

If you like to save report as PDF. Click on the print icon and in the print dialog box as seen below, Choose destination as 'Save as PDF'. If incase its not set as default, click on Change button and select Save as PDF. Once set, click on Save.

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