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Scheduler Views and Filters

A walk-through guide on using the scheduler.

Matt McCann avatar
Written by Matt McCann
Updated over a week ago


The ShiftCare Scheduler is the first thing you see every time you sign in to your ShiftCare account.

This is packed with a variety of functionalities, from different filters to views — all to best support your needs to keep things organized and display helpful insights on what is going on with your staff and your clients.

We’ll walk you through how this works in this article.

Calendar Navigation

First, let’s discuss how the days displayed are determined. By default, you will see the current week on your Scheduler.

Daily/ Weekly/Fortnightly view

On the upper right side of your screen, you will see a drop-down menu beside the calendar button. By default, it is set to Weekly.

This determines the duration of time that is displayed on the window. You can change this to Daily, Weekly or Fortnightly views.

  • Daily - shows you hourly intervals within a day

  • Weekly - shows you 7 days of a week

  • Fortnightly - shows you a 2-week view of the schedule

Jumping to a specific date

By default, you are shown the most recent day or week. But if you’d like to see previous or future shifts, you can easily navigate to a specific date through the Date box. This is the calendar icon on the upper side of your screen.

If you click this, a calendar widget will pop up, where you can select your desired date.

You can also switch through subsequent and previous days, weeks, or fortnights based on your view, with the navigation arrows next to the date selection box.

Go Full Screen

You can also collapse the side menu to allow for full-screen mode.

To do so, click the ☰ hamburger menu button on the left-hand side of the ShiftCare logo to hide this menu.

To re-enable it, simply click again.

Client vs Staff View

Here's how the two views differ:

  • Staff View - shows staff names on the left-most column, with client names in time slots on the calendar.

  • Client View - shows client names on the left-most column, with staff names in time slots on the calendar.

This is how the Staff View would look like:

By default, the Staff View is shown on the Scheduler.

You can switch the resource view from Staff to Client-focused by clicking the human icon on the top-left side of the screen.

📝 Note: The human icon has a hat with a cross (representing carers) if you choose the Staff view. The icon is displayed without the hat if you’re on Client view.

📝 Note: Client view is only available for Pro and Premium subscription holders.

Total Hours Rendered

You’ll see that there’s a specified number of hours under each carer’s name, with some highlighted in red. This is another insightful data on the scheduler, where the number of hours rendered is displayed.

The number of hours displayed helps you and your team make better decisions, so you can better distribute clients and ensure that each carer’s workload is manageable.

📝 Note: Rendered hours that exceed 40 hrs a week are marked in red.

Private Notes

Other than the total number of booked hours displayed under their name, you can also see a slash eye icon before the name of some clients. These are private notes that can only be viewed by office staff.

This can help your team, especially the ones working on scheduling, to match them with the right carer.

Notes can include details such as the patient has stage 5 dementia, or the patient has special needs.

Sort by: Alphabetical order or Shift Count

You can change staff or clients’ list order alphabetically (A-Z) or based on Shift Count.

To do this, click the Sort icon ↑↓ on the top-left side of your screen. Now choose between A-Z or Shift Count.

Filter by: Shift Status

You can use the Shift Status filter to only show shifts with a selected status.

The shift colors are used to indicate different statuses:

  • Show all (grey) - shows the entire schedule with no filtering

  • Pending (red) - needs addressing, the worker may be double-booked, or a client or staff member is not assigned.

  • Cancelled

    - Cancelled without charge (orange) - the staff will not get paid and the client is not charged.
    - Absent / Cancelled with charge (yellow) - the staff will get paid and the client will be charged.

  • Booked (green) - no action required

  • Verified (green) - Admin has verified shift times in staff Time Sheet

  • Invoiced (blue) - the shift is already invoiced and cannot be edited.

Filter by: Shift type

You can also filter through shift types.

This can be particularly useful for large teams where scheduling for different shift types is done by more than one person.

Note that you and your team decide on what shift types can be selected here.

Here’s a sample of Shift Types that you can add to your Settings.

You can also learn more about shift types here:

To show specific Shift Types in the calendar, select the shift type from the drop-down menu. You can only choose one shift type at a time.

Tabular View

You can also select the Tabular view.

To do this, click the eye icon on the upper left corner of your screen.

Then, click Tabular view.

This displays shifts in a daily view in tabular form. With Shift status on the left-most corner, Date, Start time, Clients, Shift type, and Trackers.

This view gives a live feed of carers' clock-in and clock-out times. So you can review in real time if a carer hasn't clocked out yet.

On the rightmost side, you'll see the Trackers column where mileage is displayed, alongside notes and expenses,

These are the basic Scheduler views and filters that would greatly help in setting up your ShiftCare account.

Feel free to reach out to our support team for any questions or concerns that you may have that aren't covered in this article. We're always available in chat or through email at

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