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Using Job Board

This is a place where you can post available jobs. We’ll discuss how this works in this article.

Matt McCann avatar
Written by Matt McCann
Updated over a week ago

Did you know that you and your team don’t need to assign staff manually for each shift? Instead, you can send a notification to your caregivers that a shift is available through Job Board.

📝 Note: Job Board is only available on Professional and Premium Plans. Click here to learn how to change plans.

This can make scheduling shifts easier by finding the best staff member for the job. You don't have to spend time and effort looking for a suitable caregiver because the system allows you to put filters in place.

What is a Job Board?

A job board is exactly what it sounds like; it is a place where you can advertise shifts for your caregivers to apply for or take. All this can be done on the mobile app.

📝 Note: The Job Board is an internal feature. Meaning, shifts posted here can only be seen and taken by caregivers that are in your ShiftCare account.

Adding a new shift to the Job Board

Adding a shift to Job Board is easy. It’s similar to the normal shift creation workflow.

There are two ways to add a job to Job Board. Basic edit mode, and Advanced edit mode. Here’s how each is done:

Adding a shift from the basic edit mode

  1. Create a shift.

  2. Under the Carer section, toggle Add to Job Board on.

  3. Choose who to send out notifications to. You can do this by filtering the Open to section.

    By default, it is set to All Staff. But if you click the drop-down, you can select specific teams to send the job details to.

  4. Under Shift Assignment, you can choose Approve automatically or Require approval.

    This will determine if the shift will automatically be assigned to the first caregiver that takes it, or if the shift will require approval from your Admin team, allowing you to have the final decision.

Adding a shift from the advanced edit mode

Advanced edit mode gives you more filter options to make it easier for you to narrow down the group of caregivers that you will send the job board notifications to.

You can find the Advanced Edit mode at the top of the pop-up window whenever you create a shift.

  1. Create a shift.

  2. Select Advanced Edit mode at the top of the pop-up window (as shown above).

  3. Under Choose Carer, toggle Add to Job Board on.

  4. Choose Shift Assignment settings: Automatically approve, or Require approval.

  5. Set other Job Board Criteria.

    Here, you can select Teams, Languages, Compliance, Competencies, KPIs, and Distance from the shift location.

  • Language: allows you to narrow down the staff based on Language set on their Staff profile.

  • Compliance: allows you to narrow down the staff based on whether they have active documents under Compliance on their staff profile.

  • Competencies: allows you to narrow down the staff based on whether they have active documents under Competencies on their staff profile.

  • KPIs: allows you to narrow down the staff based on whether they have active documents under KPIs on their staff profile.

  • Distance from shift location: allows you to narrow down the staff based on whether the home address on their profile is within a certain distance from the shift location.

Adding an existing shift to the Job Board

Circunstances may arise when a caregiver is suddenly unable to provide care for a scheduled client, and the shift would need to be filled urgently.

If you have a shift that is already created but needs to be posted on the job board, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Shift on the scheduler.

  2. Click the Edit icon (a notepad with a pen) on the top of the pop-up window.

  3. Scroll down to the Carer section.

  4. Toggle Add to Job Board on.

  5. Select Shift Assignment settings: Automatically approve, or Require approval.

  6. Follow the steps laid out earlier to customize which group of caregivers will receive notifications about the available job.

Shift Assignment Settings

Whenever you add a shift to the Job Board, you will be asked to select Shift Assignment settings.

There are two options: Automatically approve, and Require approval.

Here’s how it works:

Automatically assigned Job Board shifts

If the Job Board shift has been set to Automatically approve, once the staff member takes the shift, the shift will be assigned to them and the status of the shift will be booked:

  • On the staff member's app: the shift will be removed from the Job Board page and appear on the staff member's My Schedule page with all their other rostered shifts.

  • On Scheduler on the web app: the shift will move from the Job Board row and appear on the row of the staff member who took the shift.

Job board shifts that require approval

If the Job Board shift has been set to require approval, once the staff member applies for the shift:

  • On the staff member's app: this shift will remain on the Job Board page, but will be marked to indicate that they have applied for the job. If they click on the shift, they can cancel their application too.

  • On Scheduler on the web app: the shift will remain in the Job Board row, and in the bottom right-hand corner you will be able to see the count of applications for the shift.

    If you open the shift, you will see a Job Applicants section, where the staff members who have applied for the job will be listed. To accept an applicant, click the Accept button to the right of their name. The shift will then be moved to the staff member's row in the scheduler and the status will be updated to booked:

    The staff member will be notified that the shift has been assigned to them.

Should you need more help, feel free to get in touch with our support team through chat or email us at We’re always just a message away.

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