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Creating Recurring Schedules

Creating recurring shifts is an efficient time-saving strategy for scheduling.

Matt McCann avatar
Written by Matt McCann
Updated over a week ago

A recurring shift is a scheduled shift repeated across several days, weeks or months. To be considered as a recurring shift, it has to have the same carer, client, time of day, location, and duration. Otherwise, they would just be considered unique shifts.

To create a recurring shift:

  1. Click + Shift at the top right side of the Scheduler view to create a new shift.

  2. As you fill out shift details, scroll down to the Time & Location section.

  3. Check the Repeat checkbox

  4. You will then see customization options. Fill them out according to your recurring shift’s needs. First, set Recurrance. Choose between Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.

  5. If you set it to Daily, you’ll need to fill out the Repeat every field. This field answers the question: every how many days should the schedule recur?

  6. If you set it to Weekly, you’ll need to:

    • Fill out the Repeat every field. This field answers the question: every how many weeks should the schedule recur?

    • Then, you’ll be asked to fill out the Occurs on field. This answers the question: which day of the week should it occur?

      📝 Note: You can set a recurring schedule to be repeated several days a week by selecting multiple days.

  7. If you set it to Monthly, you’ll need to:

    • Fill out the Repeat every field. This field answers the question: every how many months should the schedule recur?

    • Then, you’ll be asked to fill out the Occurs on field. This answers the question: which day of the month should it occur?

  8. Set the End date. The shift will stop recurring beyond this date.

For reference, the image below shows a start date of March 1st through to an end date of May 10th. With a fortnightly (every two weeks) repeating shift on a Monday at 9:00 AM. The system calculates how many occurrences will happen between the selected dates.

Can we create a recurring shift based on the day (e.g. last Tuesday of the month)?

No, this is not currently supported.

At the moment, it has to be date-specified, not day-specified for a monthly recurring entry.

Should you have more questions and concerns that are not covered in this article, know that our support team is always happy to help. You may reach out to us through the chat icon at the lower left side of your ShiftCare window.

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