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Manage teams to group staff into various teams. Teams can be based on skill, client experience, location and so on. Simply drag and drop.

Ian Deshays avatar
Written by Ian Deshays
Updated over a week ago


Team in ShiftCare refers to the process of identifying distinct groups of staff based on their unique experiences and characteristics. Team can be formed in many ways depending on an organisation's business and human resource strategies. Within ShiftCare, Teams are used for:

  1. Filtering staff based on a team

  2. Attach a team to a client

  3. Bulk message team via Email or SMS

  4. SMS a new job to a team using the 'Advertise' feature

πŸ“ Team is a feature available to Pro and Premium plans. For more details on subscription plans, please see our website

Create a new Team

In order to create teams, go to the Staff section from the left-hand side navigation and then, in the drop-down section, select Team.

Next, click on New in order to create a new team.

In the first box, give your team a name so you can easily identify it later. In the example below, the Team is named Andrew worker. All organisation's workers are on the right-hand side. To create a team, add staff by dragging and dropping them from the list on the right-hand side to the grey left-hand section.

When complete, hit Save located at bottom right of the page.

On saving, a confirmation dialogue will open. Press Ok to confirm.

You can view the list of all created teams by clicking on the List button located under team on the left-hand side. These can be deleted or edited by clicking on the delete buttons in front of the list. See below.

Update/Delete Team

If you wish to add/remove staff or change the teams's name navigate to Team under Staff. Under Team select List. This will bring up all the Team that have been created.
On the far right hand side are the options Edit & Delete.

To Edit a team, click the edit button. This will bring you back to the team information page. Here you can change the name of the team, add staff from the available staff list to the selected staff list.

To remove staff simply click on minus sign in front of their name from the selected staff list back to the available staff list.

Note: Remember to click Update at the bottom right of the page to save any changes made to the team.

To delete a team simply click the red delete button next to the team of choice.

A prompt will appear with the options to Cancel or Yes. If you still wish to delete the team click yes, if not then select Cancel.

Note: If a team attached to client is deleted then that team will also be removed from the client's profile.


  • Bulk Email/SMS your team: Go to the staff list and click on bulk email or bulk SMS.

On top of the list, you will see a list of teams. Select the preferred team, type a message, and click Send.

  • SMS via Advertise Feature

    Another useful function of using teams is to advertise a shift via SMS to a whole team. Click any shift to view the detailed view, and then click in the top right corner the "More Actions" button. Click Advertise to access.

    You will see a search box where you can enter a staff member's name or the name of a Team.

    More info on the Advertise feature in the help desk article: Scheduler - Advertise Feature

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