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Scheduler - edit shift
Scheduler - edit shift

Edit time, date, client or carer, shift type, price book, notify staff. Advanced: multiple client/carer, KMs travelled, allowances, split.

Ian Deshays avatar
Written by Ian Deshays
Updated over a week ago


When changes occur in a business you need to easily edit individual shifts in scheduler. This article will cover:

  • Basic Edit View - edit: Client; Time & Location; Carer; Instructions.

  • Advanced Edit View - in addition to above, edit: Multiple Clients & Carers, Type of shift, Tasks, split shift.

Basic Edit View

Navigate to Scheduler via the side bar, click Scheduler to view your teams shifts. 

To access the Edit screen for a particular shift, click on the Shift you would like to edit in scheduler. 

This will bring up its details, click Edit.

You will now see the Edit screen. Here you can alter Client, Time & Location, Carer and Instructions.

When you have finished editing the shift remember to Click Save or you will lose the updated information.

Client Edit

This box is where you can edit Client, Shift type, Price book and Funds.
To edit a setting, click the drop down menu for the item and select the desired item.

e.g. you may want to change the shift type from "Standard" to a "Sleepover"

Time & Location edit

Here you can edit Date, Time & Location, and Address.

Carer edit

If you're editing a shift, it could be due to the carer being unavailable or sick, here you can select a new Carer to take the shift, click the Drop Down box to change carers.

Click the Notify Toggle to also Notify them of the assigned shift via email and in-app notification. You can read more about the full workflow here.

Instruction edit

You can let the carer know specific details or special instructions.

Note: you can set specific Tasks that need to be checked off in Advanced edit

When you have finished editing the shift remember to Click Save or you will lose the updated information.

Advanced edit view

This Expanded Advanced Edit give more functionality to alter more details of a shift. To access Advanced Edit Click the Advanced Edit button that appears after you have entered into Basic edit view.

Note: this button appears where the original Edit button was

Advanced Edit view looks like this. Each section will be covered in further detail.

Client Advanced Edit

Like the basic view, here you can change which client the shift is for. Here you can also add Multiple Clients to the shift. Click the Client Drop Down Menu and select one or more clients. You can click the Red Remove Button next to each client to remove them, or simply click the Name in the drop down menu. 

Additionally, you may edit the client ratios. Click the Client Ratio to change it. Next to the ratio you will notice you can still edit the Funds used.

You may edit the Price Book the client uses. Again by Clicking the drop down menu.

Note: You can add "No Access" staff to you account to manipulate Staff/Client Ratios. Click here to find out how.

The Split Shift button allows a simple way to split a clients shift. You will notice a button next to each client and you can click Split one or more times to split the shift. Then you can edit each segment as they were individual entries. The client will be listed multiple times as well.

Time & Location Advanced Edit

The advanced Time & Location edit has all the features of basic edit, although you may also add the number of minutes of Break Time. Click the "+" or "-" next to the box to add or subtract break time.

Shift Advanced Edit

You may edit the Shift type as before and also extra advanced information.

  • Allowances: Click the Allowances drop down menu and select desired allowance. e.g. Travel Allowance Allowances must be set up under "Account", click Pay Items, then Allowances.

  • KM: You can set the number of Kilometres here by clicking the "+" and "-" buttons.

  • Program Cost: Here you can set fixed program costs on top of the regular Hourly cost of the shift. Type a number up to in the format 1.0, or click "+" and "-" buttons for whole number increments.

  • Confirmation: this allows the carer to confirm if they want the shift or not. A message will be sent via Email & in-app notification. This is slightly different to the "notify" function which doesn't provide an option to confirm.

Carer Advanced Edit

As with basic edit, you can change the carer. Through advanced view you can add additional carer to have Multiple Carers on a shift.

Click the Drop Down Menu, and select the carer or carers to be assigned, you may also toggle the Notify button to let the carers know about the shift via SMS.

To remove a carer click the red remove button next to their name. You may also edit the start and end time for each individual carer. Click the time boxes and select the desired times.

Note: You can add "No Access" staff to you account to manipulate Staff/Client Ratios. Click here to find out how.

Tasks Advanced Edit

You can assign specific tasks that are to be completed during the shift, the carer can check these off via the App. 

To add a task click the Task Description box, type a task's details and click "+ Task", repeat for additional tasks. You may also mark these tasks "Mandatory" which means they must be completed. Other tasks may be considered optional by the system.

To Remove a task, click the red remove button next to the task.

If you want to change a task from mandatory to optional, the original task should be removed before being re-added.

​It's not possible to change it from mandatory by editing alone.
You can copy the text, delete the task, create a new task & paste in the old details.

Instructions Advanced Edit

The instructions area remains the same as basic, add any additional notes and instructions here.

Save the Shift Changes

When you have finished editing the shift remember to Click Save or you will lose the updated information.

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