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Adding Clients
Matt McCann avatar
Written by Matt McCann
Updated over a week ago


Before assigning carers, areas, and generating schedules for clients, client profiles must first be set up on the platform.

We'll walk you through how it's done:

Adding new clients

  1. Navigate to the main menu on the left-hand side.

  2. Select the Clients tab.

  3. This will open a drop-down menu, select New.

  4. This will open a new page, where you'll be asked to fill out relevant details about the new client.

    Below are all the fields that you'll be asked to fill out, alongside their descriptions, and some tips and tricks to help you set up a client with ease:

    • Name - You can add the client's first name, middle name, and last name here.
      If you'd like to add a salutation, simply tick the checkbox for the Use Salutation field and select the salutation that you want to use on the dropdown menu.

    • Display name - This automatically populates as you type in the first name, middle name, and last name (in this order). You can click on the field to edit the automatically generated display name.

    • Gender - Click this field to select the client's gender from these options: male, female, intersex, non-binary, unspecified, prefer not to say.

    • Date of birth - If the information isn't required for your organization, you can replace the date of birth and put today's date instead.

      Should you decide to put in the date of birth, here's a quick tip to make it easier for you:

      • Click on the Date of Birth field to open the calendar widget.

      • Type in the date of birth in this format: MM-DD-YYYY to easily pick the correct date.

    • Address - The address is an important client detail because this affects Shift locations. You can learn more about Shift locations here.

      Addresses are populated from Google Maps's API.

      If your address is not recognized, it means that Google Maps API is unable to recognize this as a valid address or the Google API link has expired. You will see this error message if this is the case:

      Follow these steps to avoid this:

      1. Refresh the page to ensure the Google address API is connected.

      2. If the unit number is included in the address, remove the unit number. Then choose the address from the drop-down.

      3. If you copied and pasted the address from a Word document or PDF file, then please type the address instead. As you type, addresses from Google Maps' API will load in a dropdown menu, click the right address from the dropdown.

      4. If it is a new development, there is a good chance that the address is not recognized by Google Maps yet. Use the nearest valid location/landmark and add notes in the description for care workers.

    • Unit/Apartment number - If your address has a unit or apartment number, use this field for specific details.

    • Contact - there's a separate field for mobile number and phone number. Input the contact detail under the right field.

    • Email - type the client's email address here.

    • Religion - type the client's religion here.

    • Marital Status - Click this field to see the dropdown menu. You can choose the client's marital status from the following: single, married, de facto, divorced, separated, widowed

    • Nationality - input the client's nationality

    • Language spoken - Click this field to see the dropdown menu for language options.

    • Client Status - tick the check mark if the client is a prospect, otherwise, leave it blank.

  5. Once done, click Create.

This will take you to the client's detail page as shown below:

Here, you can start making changes to the client's profile.

You can read more about editing client profiles here.

Should you need more help, feel free to get in touch with our support team through chat or email us at We’re always just a message away.

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