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QuickBooks Online Integration Guide
QuickBooks Online Integration Guide

Your full guide to ShiftCare's QuickBooks Online Integration, from connecting your QBO account to importing and exporting data.

Pat Gaudreault avatar
Written by Pat Gaudreault
Updated over a week ago

Please note that at this time, the QuickBooks Online integration is only available for ShiftCare USA customers.

In this article we cover:

As a visual aid, there will be images throughout the steps in this article to help you situate yourself in the ShiftCare platform while performing the required actions. You can also choose to view the interactive walkthrough included in some of the sections.

Activating Integrations in your ShiftCare Account Settings

You will ensure that the Integrations section is visible and accessible in your ShiftCare account.

  1. In ShiftCare, head to your Account Settings using the left-side navigation menu.

  2. Scroll down the Settings page to the Integrations section, and toggle on the QuickBooks Online access. See NOTE* below if you do not see the Integrations section in your Settings page.

  3. Your left-side navigation menu should now refresh and reveal the Integrations section.

NOTE* - If you do not see the Integrations section in your Account Settings, please contact your Customer Success Manager or send an email to to have the section activated on your account.

Connecting your ShiftCare and QuickBooks Online accounts

In this section you will need your QuickBooks Online account credentials ready to input them your ShiftCare account.

  1. In ShiftCare, head to QuickBooks Online using the Integrations section in the left-side navigation menu.

  2. Click the Connect button.

  3. You will be redirected to an Intuit login page where you will enter your QuickBooks Online account credentials.

  4. Once your credentials are entered, you will be prompted to connect ShiftCare to QuickBooks Online. Click the Connect button.

  5. You will now be redirected to your ShiftCare account, where your Connection details section will indicate a Connected status.

✅ Your ShiftCare and QuickBooks Online accounts are now connected and you are ready to transfer data between these systems!

Importing Staff Profiles into ShiftCare

In this section, you will transfer staff profiles from your QuickBooks Online account to your ShiftCare account.

  1. In ShiftCare, head to QuickBooks Online using the Integrations section in the left-side navigation menu.

  2. In the Staff Import Section, click Import Staff.

  3. A window will appear with a detailed outline of the fields that will be imported for each staff member, and notes for important requirements.

    1. You will have the option to automatically send out account setup emails to those staff members you are importing by checking the box at the bottom of the message. If you do not check the box, new staff will be set as No Access.

    2. When you are ready to import your staff, click Start Import.

  4. The Staff Import section will now indicate an Importing status. You can continue to work in other sections of ShiftCare while this process is ongoing, and come back at a later time to check for a status update. Refreshing the web page will also provide a status update.

  5. Once completed, the Staff Import section will display a summary of results and date of the last import performed. From here you can:

    1. Import Staff: perform another staff import

    2. View Report: see a report of the results from the import including a reason for a record that has failed to import

    3. View Staff: go to your list of all staff in your ShiftCare system

TIME SAVING TIP - To save the most time and effort, create a staff profile only once in your QuickBooks Online account then use your QBO integration in ShiftCare to transfer them over with a single click.

✅ You have now imported your staff into ShiftCare from your QuickBooks Online account!

Importing Client Profiles into ShiftCare

In this section, you will transfer client profiles from your QuickBooks Online account to your ShiftCare account.

  1. In ShiftCare, head to QuickBooks Online using the Integrations section in the left-side navigation menu.

  2. In the Client Import Section, click Import Clients.

  3. A window will appear with a detailed outline of the fields that will be imported for each Client profile, and notes for important requirements. When you are ready to import your clients, click Start Import.

  4. The Client Import section will now indicate an Importing status. You can continue to work in other sections of ShiftCare while this process is ongoing, and come back at a later time to check for a status update. Refreshing the web page will also provide a status update.

  5. Once completed, the Client Import section will display a summary of results and date of the last import performed. From here you can:

    1. Import Clients: perform another client import

    2. View Report: see a report of the results from the import including a reason for a record that has failed to import

    3. View Clients: go to your list of all clients in your ShiftCare system

TIME SAVING TIP - To save the most time and effort, create a client profile only once in your QuickBooks Online account then use your QBO integration in ShiftCare to transfer them over with a single click.

✅ You have now imported your clients into ShiftCare from your QuickBooks Online account!

Exporting Timesheet data to QuickBooks Online

In this section, you will transfer staff timesheet data from completed shifts in your ShiftCare account to your QuickBooks Online account to streamline your payroll process.

NOTE - To avoid including unwanted shift data in the exports, only Approved shifts can be exported using the QuickBooks Online integration.

  1. In ShiftCare, head to QuickBooks Online using the Integrations section in the left-side navigation menu.

  2. In the Timesheet Exports Section, click Export Timesheets.

  3. You will now reach a page where you can select the details for your Timesheet Export.

    1. Select Staff: You will select which staff for which you wish to export timesheets. You can select a single staff member, multiple staff members, or all staff members.

    2. Select Time Period: You will select the start-date and end-date of the pay period you wish to export.

    3. Timesheets Summary: Once the two above actions are performed, you will receive a summary report of the shift data that will be exported.

    4. Export Timesheets: Once ready, click here to perform the export.

  4. When the Timesheet Export process has begun, you will see a message indicating so at the bottom of the page. You can continue to work in other sections of ShiftCare while this process is ongoing, and come back at a later time to check for a status update. Refreshing the web page will also provide a status update.

  5. Once completed, a summary of Export Results will be displayed. If any records were skipped or failed to export, click View Report to see the reasons.

✅ You are now equipped to use ShiftCare's QuickBooks Online integration to streamline your payroll!

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