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Incident Management FAQ
Incident Management FAQ

This Incident Management FAQ will be updated regularly and is based on questions asked during our webinar

Andrew avatar
Written by Andrew
Updated over a week ago

⚠️Enhanced Incident Reporting is available on our Premium subscription plans. Please contact our Customer Success team if you'd like to discuss your plan.

Can staff fill out incident reports confidentially?

A: Only admins and assigned staff can see incident reports.

What’s the easiest way to find an incident report from a year ago?

A: We are investigating enhanced search functionalities for a future iteration of this feature.

Can forms push/pull client data?

A: No, forms cannot push/pull client data at this time.

Can we run reports to summarize the content of multiple forms from the same template?

A: No, currently you can only see responses and download them as a PDF.

Can forms be used for ongoing logs that need to be filled out multiple times per shift?

A: Not yet, but we are considering adding this functionality. The ability to have a chart where you can edit and respond to it for the duration of the shift is something that we are looking into for future release.

Can we create tickets for general cases, like staff requests?

A: Yes, you can create tickets for various issues.

Can staff access forms anytime?

A: Yes, staff can access forms at any time.

Can we use existing forms not already in ShiftCare, like service agreements?

A: You will need to create forms within ShiftCare if you wish to use them as forms, we cannot use third-party forms at this stage. You can, however, import documents as normal and save them in the document hub.

Can we link Priority and Category (e.g., Urgent as Cat 1)?

A: Currently, this categorisation needs to be done manually. When you create an incident ticket you will select the urgency at this stage. There is no automation around this at the moment.

Can incidents be managed differently based on the type of incident?

A: Not at this stage. The hierarchy is not customisable, however, this functionality will be enhanced in future iterations.

Can we allow external access to view incident reports and forms?

A: No, only clients and staff within ShiftCare can access forms.

Can forms be assigned to recurring shifts?

A: Not currently, but this is something we are looking into.

Is there a how-to guide for staff?

A: A guide is planned, but not yet available.

If we create a custom form for incident reports, does it remove the previous settings under "Incident"?

A: No, you can maintain data history while updating forms.

Are there hyperlinks for clients to access forms?

A: Not currently, but it is being considered. For example, a customer asked if they could transition to our new forms management and bring in their external urls that are clickable for carers to use in the meantime until they gradually transition and start using ours to create forms.

Can we create bowl or fluid charts using the forms?

A: If based on available fields, yes; however, creating tables/charts is not currently supported.

Is there a history for discussion in incidents?

A: Yes, there is a history of discussions for tickets. As you comment on tickets, you will see the history appear at the bottom as a log.

If a staff member is completing an incident report, is there a specific timeframe before it times out?

A: The app should not have this limitation, but testing is required. Usually with a web browser it is timed out due to the overarching tool that sits outside of the site such as Cloudflare. Mobile apps shouldn’t have this restriction but testing is required to determine this.

Can forms be used for purposes other than reporting incidents?

A: Yes, they can be used for intake, staff satisfaction, and other purposes.

Can you attach branding to forms?

A: Not currently, but feedback is being considered.

Can incident reports completed by support workers be edited by admin before completion?

A: No, admins can approve or decline but not edit them.

Can forms be used for performance appraisal?

A: Yes, they can be used for performance appraisals. You can create any type of form you would like with the available drag and drop fields.

Can forms be saved and completed later during a shift?

A: No, forms cannot be saved as drafts at this point. We are looking into this functionality for things such as intake forms where a carer might need to continuously complete medication administered on the form during the shift.

If a form is declined, can admin provide feedback and can the form be edited?

A: Admin can provide a rejection reason, but the form must be refilled by the carer as it won’t allow them to edit the rejected form.

Is there a plan to integrate AI for refining long answers and automating responses?

A: No plans for AI integration at this time.

Are workflows available on forms i.e. multiple steps for each answer?

A: Not at this stage.

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