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App notifications
Ian Deshays avatar
Written by Ian Deshays
Updated over a week ago

ShiftCare App also has a notification feature. Staff will get below notifications here:

  • New shift notification with details.

  • Canceled shifts notification with details.

  • Updated shift notification.

  • Approved Leave notification.

  • Declined Leave with reason.

  • Verified Timesheet notification.

  • Rejected Timesheet notification with reason.

  • Shift Advertised internally notification (job board).

The user will see a bubble on the shift care app. Bubble with a number means staff has these many unread notifications.

To access the notification, go inside the App and click on the notification.

Staff's unread notifications page opens. Staff can read it. These notifications are linked to the shifts. Clicking on the notification takes staff directly to the shift.

Mark Notifications as Read

Notifications don't automatically go away after reading. There are 2 ways to mark them read.

a) Mark All as Read: You can do this by clicking on the tick button on the top right of the page. Clicking on that tick button will mark all notifications as Read and this page will be empty.

b) Mark only one notification as Read: If you only want to mark selected notifications as Read, then swipe that notification from right to left. You will see Red button on the screen. Click on that, and this notification will be marked as Read.

Read Notifications

All read notifications sit on the Read screen. This is historical data. Staff cannot delete, archive, or edit this page.

Further Reading:

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