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Getting Started with the KeyPay Integration
Getting Started with the KeyPay Integration

KeyPay is a powerful payroll system which is used in Quickbooks & Employment Hero. Here is a complete guide to get you up and running.

Paul Slater avatar
Written by Paul Slater
Updated over a week ago

The KeyPay software is utilised by Pay Cat to provide the payroll function.

Quickbooks has KeyPay directly integrated within it.

The KeyPay software is owned by Employment Hero which has integrated it into their platform.

In ShiftCare the export options are labelled KeyPay.

Turn On Integration

  1. Navigate to Account > Settings

  2. Scroll down to Time and attendance and click Edit

  3. Change the drop down for Payroll Software to KeyPay & Change add additional timesheet field to Client custom field

Staff Setup

ShiftCare staff link to KeyPay using IDs. In order to do this, you will need to get the ID of each staff member in ShiftCare, and enter this into the External ID in KeyPay. Follow the following steps to achieve this.

  1. Navigate to Staff > List

  2. Click the Export icon at the bottom right-hand corner.

    The exported .csv file will be automatically emailed to your nominated email address, a notification of the export will pop up under the flag on top of your screen or you are welcome to download the file under your own ShiftCare profile under Communications.

  3. Open the file, the first column is the user_id, this is the number you will put into the External ID of each staff member in KeyPay.

Shift Type Setup

Shifts sent from ShiftCare link to Work Types in KeyPay - You can either link Shift Types to existing Work Types, or you can create new ones in KeyPay. Each Shift Type in ShiftCare has a Type Id, this will be used and put into the External Id field on the Work Type in KeyPay.

Example: You have a Shift Type called "Personal Care" that you use for shifts, and you need to link it to KeyPay

  1. Navigate to Account > Settings

  2. Scroll down to Shift Types and click Edit

  3. Find the Personal Care shift type, and note down the Type Id

  4. In KeyPay > Go to Payroll Settings > Work Types

  5. If you don't already have a Work Type for Personal Care (Likely), click Add on the top right

  6. Give it the name "Personal Care" and the External ID you noted down from step 3, and tick the appropriate boxes in Automatically enabled for. Ensure Work Maps to is set to Employee's primary pay category. Click Save.

Repeat the above steps for all Shift Types you will use in ShiftCare.

Allowance Setup

Allowances are set up in a very similar way to Work Types, but the difference is the Allowances will already exist in KeyPay, so we can just use those.


ShiftCare is unable to connect directly for Expenses, as KeyPay doesn't use timesheets for expenses. You will need to enter Expenses into KeyPay manually. More information available here.


  1. In KeyPay, go to Payroll Settings > Work Types

  2. Change the dropdown above NAME to SCHADS

  3. Change the Show dropdown to All

  4. Find the Kilometre Allowance Work Type and click on the pencil on the right hand side to edit. Note down the External ID number that should already be there (if there isn't a number, you can make one up, and note it down)

  5. In ShiftCare, navigate to Account > Pay Items > Allowances

  6. Click Edit on the Mileage allowance

  7. In the column for Code, enter the number from your Work Type above. Click Save

Sleepover Allowance

  1. In KeyPay, go to Payroll Settings > Work Types

  2. Change the dropdown above NAME to SCHADS

  3. Change the Show dropdown to All

  4. Find the Sleepover Work Type and click on the pencil on the right hand side to edit. Note down the External ID number that should already be there (if there isn't a number, you can make one up, and note it down)

  5. In ShiftCare, navigate to Account > Pay Items > Allowances

  6. Click Edit on the Sleepover allowance

  7. In the column for Code, enter the number from your Work Type above. Click Save

Additional Allowances

Please be aware that KeyPay will handle Allowances like Broken Shift, Meal, First Aid, Uniform & Laundry automatically, you will not need to link this to ShiftCare, and are applied per the SCHADS requirements when timesheets are imported. This is done using Tags on each employee in KeyPay. Please contact KeyPay if you have any questions about this.


Locations are used in KeyPay to track spending on certain locations. We recommend setting up your clients as a location, this will allow you to track labour costs. You can also use locations in KeyPay to set up specific rules for allowances. Please refer to KeyPay support for more informaton on that.

You first need to set up your locations in KeyPay

  1. in KeyPay, navigate to Payroll Settings > Locations

  2. If you already have locations set up for all your clients, skip to step 6

  3. If you need to create locations for clients, click on Add on the top right

  4. Give the location a name and other details you wish to put in

  5. Repeat step 3 as needed until all locations are added

  6. Once you have all locations created, click on the Export button on the top right

  7. Select the format you would like the file and download

  8. Open the downloaded file, inside you will find a list of all the locations, and their ID - this will be needed in next steps.

We now need to put the ID for locations into your client profiles in ShiftCare

  1. In ShiftCare, navigate to Clients > List

  2. Click on a client to open

  3. In the Settings box on the right, click Edit

  4. In the Custom Field box, enter the ID for the location in KeyPay you wish to match to this client. Click Update

  5. Repeat for each location/client

Further Reading

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