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Reminders - expired documents and overdue invoices
Reminders - expired documents and overdue invoices

ShiftCare allows you to send automated reminders about expiring client and staff documents as well as invoices

Ian Deshays avatar
Written by Ian Deshays
Updated over a week ago

Overview of automated email reminders

Reminders can be set-up to be applied to:

  1. Documents nearing expiration

  2. Expired documents

  3. Invoices overdue

Note: Reminders will only be applicable to documents with an expiration date.

✉️ Client and staff document expiry reminders are emailed to the client or staff member each morning.

The office team can keep track of expiring staff documents in the compliance report.

Expired client documents are listed under the Client menu in Expired Documents.

When will the reminder emails be sent?

The email reminders will be sent out each morning to those who qualify for messages that day. If you create a reminder today, it will start emailing tomorrow.

Configure Reminder Templates

To configure a Reminder, select the Reminders tab under the Account menu.

This will direct you to the Reminders page, from here select the New Reminder option.

When configuring a new reminder, there are three fields that need to be filled:

1. Target: The subject of the reminder (Client, Staff or Invoice Due).

2. Days: The number of days allocated for the reminder to be sent before or after the expiry of a document or overdue invoice.

To set a reminder before the expiry of a document, set the number of days to a positive value.

To set a reminder after the expiry of a document, set the number of days to a negative value.

Once you have created your reminder template, select the Save option at the bottom right of the page. The reminder will appear on the reminder list page:

Edit Reminder

To edit the content of a reminder, select the edit option next to the reminder.

This will direct you to the edit reminder page. From here you can edit the content of the email, update the target, alter the number of days before/after the due date or you can delete the reminder.

To delete a reminder, select the red delete option underneath the reminder.

Personalisation in messages

In the message templates you can use fields to personalise the messages. These must include the curly brackets around the words {}.

  • {name} the client or staff member's first name

  • {days} The number of days before (using a positive number) or after (using a negative number) the document expired or the invoice due date.

  • {category} The document type (used for expiring documents).

  • {account} The company name in your account settings.

⚠️ These are the only personalisation fields supported, the system will not understand if others are used.

Message examples

For your convenience below are some examples you might want to consider. 

ShiftCare will automatically insert the following sign-off at the end of the emails.

Thanks and Regards,

Upcoming document expiry 

To send reminder 5 days before the expiry date, set the Days to: 5 (positive Five).

Hi {name},
This is a courtesy reminder that you have a document - {category} - which is due to expire within {days} days.

Please provide an updated version prior to the expiry of your document.

Expired document reminder

To send a reminder 5 days after the expiry date, set the Days to -5 (negative Five).

Hi {name},
This is a courtesy reminder that your {category} document is now {days} days passed it's expiry.

Please provide an updated document as soon as possible.

Invoice overdue reminder

To send Clients (or the bill payer) overdue invoice reminders 5 days after the invoice was due to be paid, select the target as Invoice and set days to 5 (positive Five).

**Invoice Overdue**

Dear {name},

This is a courtesy reminder that your invoice is now overdue by {days} days.

Please provide payment of the invoice as soon as possible.

Please note, it is not possible to setup an invoice due reminder.

Further reading

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