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Job Board

Make shifts available to your staff to either take or apply for using their ShiftCare mobile app

Ian Deshays avatar
Written by Ian Deshays
Updated over a week ago

Job board is only available on Professional and Premium Plans. Click here to learn how to change plans.

Using ShiftCare you can make shifts available for your staff to either take or apply for using their app, by posting them to your Job Board. This can help streamline the scheduling of shifts by alleviating the administrative burden of finding a specific staff member who is available and suitable to work a shift.

This article will cover:

What does it mean to add a shift to the Job Board?

When you add a shift to the Job Board it means that the shift will be available for your staff to see and choose whether they can/want to work the shift. If they do, they can take the shift, which means the shift will be automatically assigned to them with no further intervention required, or, if you choose to require approval on who is assigned the shift, staff members can apply for the shift.

How to add a new shift to the Job Board

A shift can be added to the Job Board as part of the normal shift creation workflow.

Adding a shift from the basic edit mode

To add a shift to the Job Board in basic edit mode, toggle on the 'Add to Job Board' toggle in the 'Carer' section.

Once you toggle on 'Add to Job Board' the Carer options will change to reflect the Job Board settings:

  • Open to: by default the shift will be open to all your staff, however in the basic edit view you can also target job board shifts to one or more specific teams. This means only staff members in the selected team(s) will be notified of the shift and see the shift on the Job Board on their mobile app.

  • Shift Assignment: by default, the shift will be automatically assigned to the first staff member who takes the shift on their app, with no further intervention required. However, you can opt for the shift to require approval before it is allocated. If you choose this option, staff members can apply for the shift, and you will need to approve which staff member is ultimately assigned the shift.

Adding a shift from the advanced edit mode

Adding a shift to the Job Board in advanced edit mode works in the same way as basic mode, by toggling on the 'Add to Job Board' toggle in the 'Carer' section.

However, in advanced edit mode, there are more options available to help you narrow down the availability of the shift to specific groups of staff. The additional options are:

  • Language: allows you to narrow down the staff to only those who have a specific language listed in their profile.

  • Compliance: allows you to narrow down the staff to only those who have a specific 'active' (i.e. not expired) document within the Compliance category of documents on their profile.

  • Competencies: allows you to narrow down the staff to only those who have a specific 'active' (i.e. not expired) document within the Competencies category of documents on their profile.

  • KPIs: allows you to narrow down the staff to only those who have a specific 'active' (i.e. not expired) document within the KPIs category of documents on their profile.

  • Distance from shift location: allows you to narrow down the staff to only those whose home address on their profile is within a certain distance from the shift location.

Adding an existing shift to the Job Board

If you have a shift that has already been created, you can still add it to the Job Board if the staff member is no longer able to work it. There are two ways of doing this:

  1. Drag and drop to the Job Board row

  2. Update the shift in edit mode

Drag and drop

Adding an existing shift to Job Board is as simple as dragging the shift from the current staff member's Scheduler row to the Job Board row. If you do this, when you let go of the shift in the Job Board row it will automatically open the shift Advanced Edit mode so that you can choose if you want to add any criteria on which staff members can see the shift on their Job Board. If you do drag and drop a shift to the Job Board, the original assigned staff member will be removed from the shift.

NOTE: currently you can't drag and drop a multi-staff shift onto the Job Board, because multi-staff shifts are not currently supported on Job Board.

Updating a shift in edit mode

Just like editing any details on a shift, you can add a shift to Job Board by opening the shift and going into edit mode by clicking the 'Edit' button. In edit mode, you can simply toggle on 'Add to Job Board' and save.

Recurring shifts and Job Board

Recurring shifts are identified with the spinning wheel icon, hovering over the icon will let you know the repeating pattern.

Existing repeating shifts can be moved to Job Board when editing the shift or dragging and dropping as described above.

NOTE: If you add a single shift within a recurring series to Job Board, that shift will remain part of the recurring series.

This means, if you edit an earlier shift and apply the changes to future shifts the shift on the Job Board will take on that setting change, and you choose to edit future shifts then the change will impact the shift added to Job Board.

Staff applying for a recurring shift will be able to apply for each shift individually rather than being forced to take all shifts in the sequence.

What happens after you add a shift to Job Board?

When you add a shift to Job Board all staff members that meet the criteria you have set for the shift will be automatically notified on their mobile phone via a push notification.

The shift will appear on the dedicated Job Board section of the app. When they open the details of a shift on Job Board, they can view all the same details for the shift as they can if the shift was assigned to them directly. They will also have the option to take the shift or apply for the shift depending on what settings you have chosen.

Automatically assigned Job Board shifts

If the Job Board shift has been set to be automatically assigned, once the staff member 'takes the shift' the shift will be assigned to them and the status of the shift will be booked:

  • On the staff member's app: the shift will be removed from the Job Board page and appear on the staff member's My Schedule page with all their other rostered shifts.

  • On Scheduler on the web app: the shift will move from the Job Board row and appear on the row for the staff member who took the shift. The shift will now be in booked status.

Job board shifts that require approval

If the Job Board shift has been set to require approval, once the staff member applies for the shift:

  • On the staff member's app: this shift will remain on their Job Board page, but will be marked as them having applied to the job so they can keep track of what they have and haven't applied for. If they click into the shift they can cancel their application too.

  • On Scheduler on the web app: the shift will remain in your Job Board row, and in the bottom right-hand corner you will be able to see the count of applications for the shift.

    If you open the shift you will see a section called 'Job Applicants', which is where the staff members who have applied for the job will be listed. To accept an applicant, click the 'Accept' button to the right of their name, and the shift will move to the staff member's row in the scheduler and become 'booked':

    The staff member will be notified that the shift has been assigned to them.

Further reading

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