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Getting Started Guide - US/Canada
Getting Started Guide - US/Canada

To get you started with ShiftCare, we’ve put together a complete guide to get you up and running as quickly as possible.

Andrew avatar
Written by Andrew
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to ShiftCare!

This comprehensive help guide will take you through the entire ShiftCare setup process step-by-step, and contains links to relevant articles along the way.

This article assumes you have either subscribed or are trialing ShiftCare.

Throughout this article, we've included yellow 'TASK' icons. These link to articles within our Help Center which will guide you through each step in greater detail.

If you have any questions along the way, please reach out to our Support team via our online chat, available when you're logged into ShiftCare,
or email

Setup Stages

Below we have eight steps to get you on your way...

Step 1 - Setting up Staff Pay Groups & Allowances

Pay Groups

Pay Groups within ShiftCare allow the flexibility to assign varying payroll categories to staff. When you export timesheets from ShiftCare, the Pay Item names within each Pay Group can assist with applying pay rates staff in their timesheets. For users of Quickbooks, setting up Pay Groups is not necessary as this information is managed by the application.

Pay Groups are assigned to each of your staff from within their staff profile page.

Rostering staff for Office or Admin work?

Staff on salaries (such as Admins) are usually paid directly via your payroll software. There is no need to roster Admins into ShiftCare, but if you would like visibility of your Admins within the ShiftCare scheduler, please refer to our article on
Rostering staff for Office or Admin work


Allowances can be used within ShiftCare for items such as expenses, mileage, overriding Pay Items or hours, or providing one-off shift allowances for First Aid Certification for example.

You may also want to roster staff for an eight-hour sleepover, but instead of paying staff for eight hours, you may want to pay them a one-off sleepover allowance meaning the staff are rostered for eight hours in the scheduler, but only paid the sleepover allowance on their time-sheet.

To set up allowances in ShiftCare, please follow the steps below.

Please complete the steps in this article...
Setting up Allowances

Later, we'll show you how to assign Pay Groups and Allowances to your staff member's profile pages and how to attach allowances to shifts.

Allowances can be assigned using two methods

Attach an allowance to a shift to cover sleepovers, mileage, and other expenses.

Attach a permanent allowance to a staff member's profile (for First Aid certification for example). This will be paid automatically for each rostered shift the staff member completes.

We'll be covering this in the 'Creating Staff and Client Profiles' section later.

Great work!
You've completed Step 1

Step 2 - Setting up Pricing

Price Books

ShiftCare allows you to create custom client pricing in a few simple steps which we'll take you through below.

You've now completed setting up your Client Pricing in ShiftCare! For additional information on Pricing, please refer to the related articles below.

Great work!
You've completed Step 2

Step 3 - Creating Caregiver (Staff) and Client Profiles

Inviting Caregivers to use ShiftCare

Before being able to assign shifts and create schedules for Carers (or Staff), you must have their details entered into ShiftCare. When you add Carers to ShiftCare they will receive an email inviting them to complete their account and set a password.

In the following task, we'll take you through:

  • Creating a Carer or Office user

  • Editing their details

  • Re-sending invites

  • Profile settings

  • Adding next of Kin

  • Payroll settings

  • Adding Staff documents

Do you have a lot of staff and clients to enter?

If you have a number of staff and clients to enter into ShiftCare, please contact us and we can provide you with spreadsheet templates to complete.

Send the completed templates back to us and we'll upload them into ShiftCare to save you all that typing!

Please follow the steps in this article...
A complete guide to managing Carers & Office users

Creating Client Profiles in ShiftCare

Before assigning Caregivers, creating Teams, or creating schedules, you must have your Client data entered into ShiftCare.

In the following task, we'll take you through:

  • Adding a new Client

  • Adding Client Demographic Details

  • Uploading a Client photo

  • Creating additional contacts

  • Additional Settings & Information

  • Adding Funds to Client profiles

Client Fund Management

Fund management allows you to keep track of the client's fund balance by subtracting invoiced amounts from the fund amount you entered. Entering client fund details is optional. The balance of the fund (whether positive or negative) will not affect your ability to roster additional shifts for your clients. It's simply a guide to give you an estimate of the remaining funds available.
Fund Management is available on our Premium Plan

Please follow the steps in this article...
A complete guide to creating Client profiles

Great work!
You've completed Step 3

Step 4 - Scheduling/Rosters

Getting Started with Scheduling

The scheduler interface is a critical tool to enable simple communication between staff, admin, and clients. In the following guide, we go through some of the essential features to help you navigate and schedule with ease.

Please follow the steps in this article...
Scheduler Interface and Navigation

Editing Shifts

When changes occur in a business you need to easily edit individual shifts in the scheduler. In this step, we'll be covering:

  • Basic Edit View - edit: Client; Time & Location; Carer; Instructions.

  • Advanced Edit View - in addition to the above, edit: Multiple Clients & Carers, Type of shift, Tasks, Split shifts.

Please follow the steps in this article...
Editing Shifts

Scheduling Split Shifts - charge different rates for the same shift

Client schedules can vary throughout the shift. To allow for simple scheduling the roster can be split one or more times to allow for multiple activities with different pricing. To split a shift advanced edit mode must be used. The functionality will be explained by creating a new shift, although you can edit an existing shift in the exact same way. This guide will run you through:

  • Creating a new shift

  • Splitting the client roster

  • Common issues with carer-to-client ratio and solutions

Recurring Shifts

Creating recurring shifts is a great way to save time when scheduling. A recurring shift is defined as a shift that is for the same carer and client, at the same time of the day, duration and location, that occurs on two or more different days. Shifts at different times, and for different carers are considered unique shifts.

Please follow the steps in this article...
How to create a recurring shift in the Scheduler

Need to extend or change a recurring shift?

A recurring shift that is reaching its last 20% of the allocated time will be shown in the Scheduler with a grey recurring symbol.

You can easily change the end date of a recurring shift to extend the program end date. Click here to find out how to extend a recurring shift.

If you need to edit the pattern of a recurring shift, rather than deleting the recurring shift and creating a new one from scratch, you can copy the existing shift and modify the recurrence.

How do I copy shift details to a new shift?

When creating a new shift, you can easily copy the details from a previous shift to the new one. Great for when you have complex split shifts, tasks, and instructions contained within your shifts.

Scheduling Sleepovers

Here we'll guide you through the steps and components needed to successfully roster a sleepover or night shift, and refer to some tips and tricks to correctly set up pay group times, sleepover allowances, and shift types for a sleepover or 24-hour shift.

In this task, we'll cover:

  • Shift types: Sleepover or night shift

  • Sleepover allowances

  • 12 am threshold for pay groups and standard scheduler shifts

  • Rostering a sleepover shift in the scheduler

Please follow the steps in this article...
How to roster a sleepover or 24-hour shift

Need to schedule breaks?

Click here to find out the impact of adding break times to a shift

Additional Scheduling Resources

We have over 20 additional articles to help you with all your scheduling needs. Our comprehensive Help Centre covers all you need to know from the basics in generating shifts to advanced features such as managing attendance and shift costs.

You can access our full collection of Scheduling articles here. As always, if you have any questions on scheduling, please reach out via our online chat channel or email our Support team for further assistance - we're here to help!

Great work!
You've completed Step 4

Step 5 - Introducing the ShiftCare mobile app to your Caregivers

The Caregivers Guide to all things ShiftCare

When you're ready to provide ShiftCare to your caregivers, we recommend sharing our comprehensive collection of help articles which will explain everything from downloading the ShiftCare app onto their phone, right through to adding client notes, logging mileage, clocking in and out of shifts, and more.

There's also a video tutorial you can email or text to you staff. This is designed for viewing directly on their cell device:

To view our complete collection of articles click here, or you can copy the link below and email it to your staff so they have all the information they need.

Can I perform Admin functions on the mobile app?

The mobile app is not designed for performing Admin functions such as scheduling. If you're an Admin out in the field, you can perform these functions using an iPad or similar device by logging into the ShiftCare web portal using your device's browser (Chrome or Safari for example), and logging into

Great work!
You've completed Step 5

Step 6 - Generating Timesheets

Generating Time-sheet Reports

In this section, we show you how to access, view, and verify carer timesheets as well as quickly approve or reject all shifts.

What if a Caregiver forgets to clock in or out?

If a staff member forgets to clock in or out, the timesheet will automatically pick up the shift attendance based on the allocated time of the shift. Alternatively, staff are able to add a note to the shift to advise of their correct clock-in and clock-out time which can be easily confirmed when reviewing the carer's timesheet.

Automate clock-in and clock-out approval

Based on the successful clock in/out times you can set timesheets to be automatically approved based on an attendance threshold.
Click here to find out more

Great work!
You've completed Step 6

Step 7 - Generating invoices

Please note this section applies to ShiftCare Pro and Premium Plans.

Choose who the invoice is addressed to

When raising an invoice it's possible to automatically have it addressed to the client's Additional Contact (for example a Service Provider).

Please follow the steps in this article...
Choose who the invoice is addressed to by default

Generating Invoices

Bulk Invoicing is ideal for when you have a lot of clients to bill for multiple shifts, such as at the end of a billing cycle. Use the Bulk Invoice wizard to quickly create and send invoices to all of your clients.

Please follow the steps in this article...
Generate bulk invoices

How do I void an Invoice?

If you've generated an invoice and need to change details of a shift such as a timesheet or client billing items, you will notice that the shift is locked as it's been marked as invoiced. To make changes you must void the invoice in order to make changes to the shift, then re-generate the invoice.
Click here to find out how

Exporting Invoices

Once your invoices have been generated, you can export the information for direct upload into your accounting software. The task below will take you through this step-by-step process.

Please follow the steps in this article...
Exporting invoices to Quickbooks
Generating Bulk Invoices
Exporting Invoice file

Step 8 - Generating Reports in ShiftCare

What Reports are available in ShiftCare?

ShiftCare offers a range of tailor-made reports to let you review your organization's overall workflow. For a full list of all the reports available in ShiftCare check out our comprehensive range of Help Centre Report Guides.

You've completed all the steps!
Don't forget our Support team is here to help via our online chat which is
available when you log in to ShiftCare, or via email at

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